About SESA's medical services to communities in the border area


Dos Aguadas.- In order to provide more and better services to the population, a health day was organized in the border area of ​​Quintana Roo because the commitment is to comply with the Governor's mandate Carlos Joaquín to bring doctors together. Alejandra Aguirre Crespo, Secretary of Health, clarified that the goal was to detect timely diseases such as breast and cervix cancer, and that is why tests were performed to detect this disease. in women over 40 years old.

Vaccinations against tetanus, hepatitis, rotavirus, dental care, chronic disease tests such as diabetes, hypertension, sexually transmitted infections and promotional actions were also applied . and health care in general and the prevention of vector-borne diseases such as the elimination of hatcheries. [19659002] Aguirre Crespo reported that 100 consultations and 900 disease detection actions were carried out and that the beneficiary communities were populations of El Tesoro, Felipe Ángeles and Dos aguadas, as far as medical program staff in your Home, Mobile Medical Units, Vectors Department and Health Promotion Services.

Aguirre Crespo has recognized the willingness of health personnel who have made efforts to improve care in communities remote from urban centers, and who, with their work, are changing the way in which access to medical services is guaranteed. Quintana Roo.

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