About to explode the outbreak of chicken pox in Yucatan


At the edge of the explosion of an epidemic of Varicella in Yucatan but it is controlled and prevented and it is that the cases of chickenpox which were recorded this year in Yucatan exceed those of last year.

According to the latest epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health, confirmed in Yucatan until October 27 3 48 48 cases of chickenpox, of which thousand 653 are men and a thousand 395 are women.

On the verge of bursting out an epidemic of chicken pox in Yucatan

In comparison with the 2017, the figure is 27 percent higher to the one registered in the same court in 2017 which was 2 thousand 385 cases.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by varicella zoster virus. The incubation period is 11 to 21 years and this disease spreads faster with high temperatures.

If you have a cold picture with fever, general malaise, runny nose, sore throat and skin lesions, consult your doctor immediately.

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