Accepts Amieva that Sheinbaum prepares the 2019 budget


At their meeting at the Old City Hall, they tackled the issues of reconstruction, delivery-reception and finances. The Morenista already has a transition team: Ana Laura Magaloni, Esthela Damian, Almudena Ocejo, Cesar Cravioto, Elena Gonzalez Joglar and Lilian Urzua

The head of government, José Ramón Amieva and the virtual elected representatives, Claudia Sheinbaum, agreed that The Moreno transition team will participate in the preparation of the 2019 expenditure budget.

This after a 35-minute meeting in the old city hall palace.

In a joint message, they explained that their presentation focused on three main themes: the 2019 budget, reconstruction and the overall coordination of the transition.

Asked what the priorities will be in defining this budget, Sheinbaum said that, as promised in the campaign, she will give priority to social programs and economic development.

"(Prioritize) social development and economic development, (also) infrastructure problems (such as) water and mobility," said the elected prime minister.

During her speech, the Morenoist took the opportunity to reveal her transition team; These are Ana Laura Magaloni, Esthela Damián, Almudena Ocejo, César Cravioto, Elena González Joglar, Lilian Urzúa and Hector Rivera. .

"We talked about the financial issue and the interest we have in preparing the budget with the new vision of the government, reconstruction is also essential so that the victims can be taken care of and the necessary changes made. for an adequate transition "He commented.

The former delegate of Tlalpan said that after the Mexico Electoral Institute (IECM), officially submitted the record of the majority, the government transition process will begin.

"According to the legal plans, in mid-August and early September, we would work and we will do our part, we say it will be only a transitional commission," he said. .

He said that she and her team will be respectful of the current government, "from here to December 5", since information is of utmost importance to effect the transition of governments.

"It is very clear that the one who runs the city of Mexico right now is José Ramón Amieva and we will respect this process and that is the agreement," he said.

For his part, the president of the capital is committed not to interfere with the transition process and warmly congratulated and welcomed Claudia Sheinbaum, head of the elected government.

"We had a conference that mainly shows the beginning of the delivery-reception work and an orderly, transparent and efficient transition from Mexico City's public administration," he explained.

He stated that he would be responsible for appointing the government secretary as responsible for handling the issues and who will be responsible for bringing the teams together and working on the agreements for an orderly transition.

"The government secretary will coordinate, the senior official will be involved, the operational officer of the public security secretariat will be informed at the time who will occupy the property of the public security secretariat, the prosecutor will also present, the Secretary of Finance, obviously the head of the Reconstruction Commission, the head of the General Coordination of Administrative Modernization and thus generate all the documents that the Comptroller General must sign, "said José Ramón Amieva.


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