According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico; masturbating is good for health


You now have an excellent excuse. It turns out that UNAM ensures that masturbation can, in fact, bring benefits to your health.

What better way to end the day than a pretext directly from science for your … customs? It is true, neither more nor less than the National Autonomous University of Mexico has not only said that masturbating is good ; but he also says that he's widely recommending it.

UNAM says people should masturbate more

Julián Alcalá Ramírez is a researcher at the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); and it is precisely him who has ensured that masturbation will bring multiple benefits to your health. But not only that; It's also a good way to get to know each other.

Here is what the researcher said:

It's beneficial as long as what's used is clean, whether it's hands or some other utensil; this does not endanger health, because they could hurt or tear part of the genitals

The benefits that can bring you are to treat premature sexual dysfunction or premature ejaculation in men and lack of desire in women; in addition to cerebral flow promotes the mobilization of lipids related to heart problems; that is, it prevents heart problems that you can develop.

Did you think that was the only thing? But of course not, there are more. Also those who masturbate regularly manage to keep the airways more permeable to hormones; in addition to having better memory, ability to abstraction and reduced the possibility of a stroke.

And there are also mental benefits. When you masturbate, endorphins are produced that relax and help you sleep like a baby. Here's an interesting fact: masturbation is equivalent to the exercise you do when climbing six floors up the stairs.

Incredible but true.

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