Adamari Lopez pregnant with twins?


November 10, 2018

Apparently, the driver is not sick of the flu, as we originally knew it.

Intagram: @adamarilopez

After the dancer Toni Costa, a couple of Adamari López, announced that the driver had been hospitalized after contracting the flu, the symptoms were complicated, which led to a lung problem, rumors emerged that the actress she is pregnant with twins.

According to TV Notas, pregnancy is the real problem for which Adamari López was hospitalized for nearly three weeks to take care of her pregnancy.

In addition, neither Toni Costa nor Adamari López have specified, nor confirmed or rejected the version of the pregnancy, as they could announce it until months of risk.

However, a few days ago, the Spanish dancer revealed to a Puerto Rican environment that her daughter's mother would continue to be hospitalized for a few weeks, for her well-being.

In this context, the morning of Telemundo "A Nuevo Día", where Adamari López is one of the orchestra conductors, they indicated that the presenter was improving every day and that she responded satisfactorily to the treatment.

"Today, we have a complete program and the best, it is that Ada is recovering, it is very good and soon, they will have in a small house, God willing." ", said Ximena Duque in the morning show, which delighted fans of Adamari López.

With information from Soy Carmín

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