Additive Manufacturing Consortium Project in Querétaro


General Electric (GE) Additive plans to establish the first additive manufacturing consortium in Latin America to be located in Queretaro.

The announcement was made as part of the tour of the state authorities by Europe, from July 16 to 20, including London, England, and Paris, France

] By a statement, it was reported that the governor of Querétaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién, met with the company's executives, in order to talk about the conformation of the consortium.

The project is to provide a common space for the interaction of end-users, suppliers, researchers, and people interested in additive manufacturing, a process that creates three-dimensional objects from a digital file.

In addition, it provides for the collaboration of the company with the Center for Engineering and Industrial Development, Advanced Technology Center and the Center for Research and Higher Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, concerning research and the creation of projects and products.

Querétaro, reported the governor, records steady growth in the automotive sector and works to generate synergy between the private sector, universities and research centers for the development of advanced manufacturing.

"These qualities make the entity a favorable place for the establishment and development of a large consortium. And in this way, the state of Querétaro confirms its commitment to build a prosperous and forward-thinking entity, promoting growth and social well-being, "said Domínguez Servién

On the Gate

Gary Aviation, governor and vice-president of GE Aviation, who discussed Collaborative projects with the National Center for Aeronautical Technologies, showing his interest in imitating the working mode of Warsaw, Institute of Aviation with GE, in Poland.

As part of this tour, Meggitt's interest in an expansion project in the Vesta Aerospace Park, which covers 100 hectares, was also announced.

Meggitt is a global engineering group specializing in environmental components. external and intelligent subsystems for the aerospace, defense and energy markets.

Similarly, at a meeting with Airbus executives, businessmen They showed you the new Airbus MRO project that seeks to combine l & # 39; Airbus engineering experience and its digital capabilities with the MRO industrial experience.

The European Work Tour is taking place as part of the Farnborough International Airshow Aerospace Industry which will take place from July 16 to 22 in Hampshire, England.

According to the letter, among other objectives, the purpose of the tour is to broadcast a message of certainty for the aerospace industry and potential partners.

It is also planned to formalize investment announcements, hold meetings with business leaders, with representatives of the business chambers

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