Adidas warns its US customers about possible data theft


The German sports manufacturer has alerted its customers in the United States of a possible theft of personal information. On June 26, Adidas announced that an "unauthorized third party" would have obtained data from some customers of the brand


After an initial analysis of the facts, Adidas specified that the L & # 3939; The attack mainly affects the usernames and passwords of certain customers who have made purchases on the US brand website. Banking information and data on the physical condition of the users would not have been affected.

Adidas is eager to explain once the incident reported. The extent of the problem still needs to be calculated; To do this, the German brand is currently working with major data protection companies and US authorities.

More and more businesses are becoming targets for cybercriminals. Last April, Adidas competing Under Armor, was the victim of a violent attack through its MyFitnessPal calorie control app, which affected the data of nearly 150 million users [[]]. 19659006] if (undefined) == typeof fnArray) {
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