Adrián Urbe, serious and in intensive therapy


CITY OF MEXICO.- The actor and comedian Adrián Uribe is again hospitalized and in intensive care.

According to El Informador, the news was made public this afternoon in the program "Intruders".

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According to host Aurora Valle, the actor was going on vacation to Acapulco when he began to feel bad and returned to the CDMX.

He began to feel the same discomfort as before, he did not even undergo revision, but went straight to the operating room, said Valle, who also said that Uribe has a fissure in the intestine

"He is in intensive care up to now."

Just last week, Adrián Uribe said that in his previous hospitalization, in which he was very serious, he had an encounter with God .

A divine message

Comedian Adrian Uribe says that he spoke with God while he was struggling between life and death because of an occl intestinal usion that kept him hospitalized for four weeks.

"I really had an encounter with God.It was a very beautiful thing in the force of my life."

"He told me not to lose faith, that I would never stop believing in Him that He would move me forward, and so He did, "he said in an interview.

"I saw him, I saw his face, his body, his presence, it was something beautiful, really, I think it was worth all the difficult things that I I just lived for this beautiful moment. "" If I say it, they will surely say that it was the effects of anesthesia and all the drugs, but I had really cute " .

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