Advance the rescue of children in the cave in Thailand


Mae Sai, Thailand- Various rescue teams advanced on Monday in a key passage of a flooded mountain cave in northern Thailand, where 12 children and their soccer coach disappeared there was more than a week

The special forces force of the Thai Navy said in a Facebook post early Monday morning that since Sunday night, divers have arrived at a curve where the passage of one kilometer (mile) long it is divided in two. Rescuers want to reach a sand chamber in the upper part of the cave, where they believe the group could be safe.

The boys, aged between 11 and 16, and their 25-year-old coach entered the cave. Tham Luang Nang No, in Chiang Rai Province, June 23rd. It is believed that the heavy rains that flooded the key passages trapped the players and thwarted the search operation to find them.

The divers were stopped again and again by the muddy water that rises from some sections of the cave and forces them to retire for safety reasons. When the water level fell on Sunday, rescuers advanced in a more methodical manner, placing a line of rope and additional oxygen supplies along the way.

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