After 70 years, the toys store Toys & # 39; R & # 39; Us is closing



The popular toy store Toys & # 39; R & # 39; He closed his stores Friday in the United States, where he saw children and adults run for 70 years until he succumbed to debts and commerce

Some hung up the "rent "Sign throughout the week, but the rest has done with the legend" Forever, "said Amy von Walter, executive vice president of global communications for the company, who seeks" sales opportunities "for its subsidiaries in other countries

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On Thursday, in its last operational hours, the A large portion of the Toys' R & # 39; They in Long Island City, New York, looked hungry as several families recorded what was left in a small space sealed with yellow plastic strips.

"I came for toys, but it's empty! "said a neighborhood neighbor, Holly, who decided to take" everyday things that are useful to save, "such as batteries or notebooks.

The mother of two, ages 5 and 14, was considered to be the usual store but admitted only recently resorted to the internet. "Amazon Prime killed Toys" R "Us," he said.

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Among magazines, plush toys and child carts reduced to 80% and 90%, another buyer, Luz, explained that he wanted to exchange three gift cards that he did not have. Not used because it "came, but now the Internet" was easier for him to please his children.

Establishments whose channel decided to go on in January do not have Enough to avoid bankruptcy, and since she announced that she had closed the doors in March, she liquidated the inventory of her 735 stores that employ have 33,000 people.

Lee: For the 31,000 employees of Toys & # 39; R & # 39; Us, bankruptcy is not a game .

Weighed by the consumption habits of the digital age, but especially by the debts, Toys & # 39; R & # 39; Us resumed last September the US bankruptcy law in the hope of Starting a new stage, but ended up writing a final point.

"We are confident that we are taking the right steps to ensure that the iconic Toys' R & Us and Babies' R 'brands will last for many generations," he went on to say. has occupied its President and CEO since 2015, Dave Brandon.

However, in his documents for the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Brandon alluded to the hard work that the company had in front of her. the general state of its stocks up to the wages of its workers, not to mention a clientele related to the decline in the birth rate.

Lee: The Toys & R # 39; Do they ruin Amazon's fault? The biggest hurdle for Toys 'R' Us, according to analysts, is that it has spent a lot of its resources paying its creditors, a group of investment companies privately having acquired in 2005 for $ 6,600 million, imposing according to its tax information, under the direction of Brandon, its losses were reduced from 130 million in 2015 to 36 million in 2016. But in the accumulated from 2017 to October, when he published his last quarterly report in after bankruptcies, these losses amounted to 953 million.

Analysts said the debt was weighing on the toy store to maintain its competitiveness, much needed in the changing environment of an area where Walmart and Target retailers are participating or the e-commerce giant, Amazon .

Based in Wayne, New Jersey, Toys' R & # 39; It has opened some 1,600 stores worldwide during its 70 years of existence, employing some 60,000 people in total. , although in the Christmas period this figure was up to 100,000.

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It was founded in 1948 by Charles Lazarus, a young man repairing bicycles at his father's establishment in Washington, and upon the arrival of the baby boom, he opened a nursery store which will eventually become the conglomerate of toys.

Lazarus died on March 22, one week after the closure and saw in 2015 disappear two standards of the country: the Times Square store and the one that had on Fifth Avenue the historic brand FAO Schwarz, owned by Toys & # 39; R & # 39; Since 2009.

The goodbye of his customers resonate on social networks, where many have paid tribute to a photo of the store's mascot, Giraffe Geoffrey, saying goodbye with a suitcase [19659003] "I guess everyone has grown up, there are no more kids" R & # 39;, "regrets one of the most shared messages

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