After 8 days of research, 12 children are found alive in a cave in Thailand


Bangkok.- The rescue teams found alive today the twelve miners and their football monitor who disappeared in a cave in northern Thailand on June 23, local authorities reported.

The governor of Chiang Rai Narongsak Osottanakorn, said that the twelve minors between 11 and 16 years, members of a football team, and their trainer, of 26, were located near an island in in the cave according to the Thai chain PBS.

The group was found after eight days of intense research in the ten-kilometer cave partially flooded with the help of the Thai army and experts from the United States, Japan, China and Australia, among others.

Since the outbreak of the alarm, some 1300 people have participated in Search and Rescue in Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang parish cave No, in the northern province of Chiang Rai

The main obstacle was the many narrow passages that were flooded along the cave, the fourth longest in Thailand with about ten kilometers of

The teams used twenty or so extraction pumps to reduce the level of the rainbow. water in the most waterlogged parts, tasks that have been hampered by rainy weather in the area and mechanical problems.

According to the official version, the missing entered galleries on June 23 after being trained when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and prevented its exit.

Given the difficulty of underground access, the authorities also they follow the dense jungle of the mountain in search of alternative inputs to the cave.

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