After separation, the EU returns to the baby full of dust and lice


After 85 days of forced eviction, US authorities gave a Salvadoran immigrant his baby "full of dust and lice".

Read also: A short film exposes the neglect of migrant children in the courts

According to the News Hour TV show, immigration authorities separated the child from his parents in November of last year and sent it back on February 8th to Los Angeles.

Thematic photo (AP file).

"[niño] continued to cry when we returned and he grabbed my leg and did not let me go." When I took off his clothes, he was full of dust and lice and apparently he had not been bathed for 85 days. away from us, "said mother, Olivia Caceras.

Read also: Judge asks for the list of separated children of undocumented parents

The mother said that the behavior of the child has changed dramatically since that they were together:

that, because he is so young, he would not be traumatized by this experience, but he does not part from me, he cries when he does not see me, this behavior is not normal. "

Migration Policies of the United States.

In this note:

  • Los Angeles
  • Migrants
  • Separation of Families
  • Olivia Caceras

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