After technical problems, Beyoncé is saved from the scene (Video)


POLAND.- Beyoncé was "saved" from the scene due to technical problems.

According to Vanguardia MX, Beyoncé was to be rescued from a failed platform at the end of the concert played with her husband Jay-Z on Saturday, June 30 in Warsaw, Poland.

Reunited on stage for one of his last performances, "Forever Young", a huge platform elevated Beyoncé and Jay-Z several meters about the audience

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However, the mechanism of the platform has stopped working, and the technicians have not managed to get the artists down to the stage level. At the end of the show, they had to save them with stairs.

Beyoncé had to get rid of the dress that she wore first, then did the farewell concert. Fans encouraged the artist and did not stop applauding and singing despite the situation.

"Crazy in Love", by Beyoncé and Jay-Z, Best Song of the 21st Century

Rolling Stone, one of the most influential musicals, went online and have published a list of the best songs of the 21st century up to now. A list that is a great curiosity for music fans and that serves to make a little review of what gave of itself the musical excellence in the period 2000-2018.

The best song of the 21st century at the moment, Rolling Stone is "Crazy in Love", Beyoncé's first solo single and, as everyone remembers, her first collaboration with what would become her husband, Jay-Z, whose 99 Problems "also appears in position 5. In the second place appears" Paper Planes "of MIA, followed by" Seven Nation Army "of The White Stripes and" Hey Ya! Outkast, and in the top 10 also appear "Cards" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs and "Rolling in the Deep". by Adele, among others.

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