After the application, there is no grudge against & # 39; & # 39; Czech & # 39; Perez: Force India


Last Friday, July 27, the team of Formula One Force India, began an administrative procedure on the orders of a British court, after being sued for late payment.

the plaintiffs are the Mexican driver, Sergio Pérez and his representative Julian Jakobi, in addition to the Mercedes team and its sponsor BWT.

Amid a lot of speculation, the deputy director of the team, Bob Fernley, he assured the middle that they understand the motives of "Czech" and that he did not There is no feeling of dislike for him:

"There can be no animosity, whatever happens happens, like any other person, he (Sergio) is in his right to receive a payment. Unfortunately, we are not able to allow ourselves to do this and patience is over for all of us.It is a process. "

] After many co Mentarios who stressed that the action of Guadalajara could affect the mechanics of the team and that it would affect it in the Grand Prix this weekend in Hungary, Bob said that "I do not think that someone see it wrong The responsibility is of the team, not" Czech. "He was in a position very difficult and I think we have to respect it, not criticize it. "

It must be remembered that the Force India team has been implicated in serious economic problems compounded by the lawsuit against Vijay Mallya, the team's owner, accused of allegedly stealing the goods.

However, not everything is bad because, despite the bankruptcy, Fernley is confident that the spotlight will attract more people interested in investing in the team and supported by the results that They had on the track.

This Saturday the Hungaroring circuit is raced on the standings of the Hungarian Grand Prix and the two Sergio Pérez, and Esteban Ocon They will run in gentleness despite the legal status of the team

After this race, the Formula 1 calendar will enter a month of rest where, usually, the movements that were will roll drivers and teams for the next year. Up to here, the pi Mexican lote did not define with which team he could run the next season.


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