After the passage of Hurricane "Willa", maintain the suspension of classes in 2 municipalities of Sinaloa


Culiacán.- In the municipalities of Escuinapa and Rosario the suspension of classes has been maintained at all school levels for next Thursday, before the evaluation in 323 schools and the remaining problems with the supply of electricity to some 24,000 domestic and commercial users.

Juan Alfonso Mejía, Secretary of Public Education and Culture of the StateHe said that in the municipalities of Cosala, Concordia, Elota, San Ignacio and Mazatlan, where the suspension of the educational service was maintained until Wednesday the service will resume next Thursday.

He noted that, given the normalization of weather conditions in the south of the state, it had been agreed that in five of the seven municipalities where classes had been suspended due to the passage of the hurricane " Willa ", the agreement of resumption of the course had been taken.

He announced that the Institute of Physical Infrastructure Education is conducting an evaluation and an information survey to identify school buildings with natural damage.

As a preliminary, he explained that there are 323 basic level schools being evaluated in the municipalities of Concordia and El Rosario, in order to determine the physical and environmental conditions. use to establish the necessary measures.

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