After the refusal of the Tigers, Racing analyzes another offer for Zelarayan


The felines rejected a $ 6 million offer and now at the Academy they think they should make another proposal.

Monterrey, Nuevo León –

After it was announced that Tigers rejected the offer of 6 million dollars for Lucas Zelarayán, in Racing analyze make another offer

The president of Racing, Víctor Blanco, mentioned in an informal conversation that for the moment they would not make another proposal for Chino and denied that they were not going to do anything else. they sent one for $ 7 million. The Argentine leader knows that he must put $ 8 million for the 26 year old player if he wants to take it to Avellaneda and accomplish Eduardo Coudet with a strengthening of the characteristics of Zelarayan, but the negotiation has not been simple and will wait to see if the felines lower their claims, something that seems difficult.

Blanco has already spoken directly with his counterpart of the Tigers, Miguel Ángel Garza, and not through intermediaries. He knows that he will have to spend more money than he had planned for the Chinese because he first sought half the pass for 2.5. millions of dollars.

Tigers paid $ 5 million in 1945 to buy 80 percent of the pass to Belgrano, the team that was left with the remaining 20; however, the percentage of the Cordovan club would not influence the transfer.

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