Agreement with Weinstein Co. includes payments to De Niro and Streep


  The Weinstein Co. filed for bankruptcy in March as a result of allegations of sexual violence against Weinstein. (AP)

The Weinstein Co. filed for bankruptcy in March as a result of allegations of sexual violence against Weinstein. (AP)


An agreement for the sale of Harvey Weinstein's film studio will not leave Hollywood stars empty as Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep .

Lantern Capital Partners said it agreed to make payments to unsecured creditors, such as the actors claiming the remains of their fees, as part of an acquisition of Weinstein Co. for $ 289 million that you plan to do on Friday

The case is subject to the approval of a judge. A hearing was convened Wednesday in Delaware

De Niro and Bradley Cooper say that they owe 940 thousand 706 dollars each for Silver Linings Playbook and Streep they are owed 168 thousand $ 611 for August: Osage County .

The Weinstein Co. went bankrupt in March as a result of allegations of sexual violence against Weinstein.

The tycoon must appear Monday to be instructed sexual assault charges against a third woman.


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