Air pollution, a cause of infertility


Notimex / The Voz of Michoacan

Mexico. Air pollution can be a factor that affects the sterility or infertility of men and women, a problem that has increased over the past seven years, warned researchers from the Faculty of Medicine. Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In a statement, scientists Patricia Bizarro Nevares and Teresa Fortoul van der Goes, said that in some countries such as Italy and Turkey, it has been discovered that men exposed to air pollution professionally or because they are not safe. they reside in highly polluted cities undergo alterations in the quality of sperm.

"Not only are the number of sperms that they produce decreases, but they have malformations: they have two heads, two flagella, do not move normally or are immobile," said Bizarro Nevares. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one in four couples has fertility problems, and in Mexico, the National Institute of Geography (Inegi) estimates that there are has 1.5 million affected couples.

An important problem is ultrafine particles in suspension that reach the bloodstream through the respiratory tract. "They are a skein of toxic compounds: there are hydrocarbons and metals, in addition to ozone, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur," says Bizarro Nevares.

According to the survey, conducted in 31 fertility clinics in 12 states of the Republic, in 32% of cases infertility is due to the female factor; at 31 percent for the male; Academics have indicated that in order to cope with this situation, it is necessary for the population to know that this is part of the problem and that they are trying not to burn or throw garbage and that their vehicle contaminates less. 19659002] They added that there must be more education for health. Children in fifth or sixth grade should have information about changes in their body, as well as contamination, and when they decide to start their sex life or have a problem with their conception, they will know what to do. and where to look for help.

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