Air pollution contributes to diabetes around the world


A study shows how air pollution contributes to an increased risk of diabetes.

Mexico, July 2 (Notimex) .- US researchers conducted a study that shows how outdoor air pollution, even at levels considered safe, contributes to an increased risk of diabetes in the world .

The University of Washington in San Luis, pointed out that the results raise the possibility that reducing pollution can lead to a decline in diabetes cases in heavily polluted countries like India and less contaminated like the United States.

One of the fastest growing diseases, affecting more than 420 million people worldwide and the main factors include unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. ad

However, this new research has indicated that the degree of outdoor air pollution plays a very important role in human life.

The senior author of the study, Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, commented that research shows a significant link between air pollution and diabetes worldwide.

"We found a higher risk even with low levels of air pollution than the EPA." The World Health Organization (WHO) is now considered safe, "he said. he added.

The above is important because many industry lobbyists argue that current levels are too stringent and should be relaxed

.In a university statement it was pointed out that even though growing evidence suggests a link between air pollution and diabetes, researchers have not attempted to quantify "

" Over the last two decades, there has been had research on diabetes and pollution.To assess outdoor air pollution, the researchers analyzed the particles, microscopic particles of dust in the air, dirt, smoke, soot and droplets of liquid 19659003] In ant In the past, it has been found that such particles can enter the lungs and invade the bloodstream, contributing to major health problems such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and kidney disease.

In the case of diabetes, it is believed that contamination reduces insulin production and triggers inflammation, which prevents the body from converting glucose into blood energy that the body needs to stay in. health.

In general, researchers estimated that pollution contributed to 3.2 million new cases of diabetes worldwide in 2016, accounting for about 14 percent They also estimated that 8.2 million Healthy life years were lost in 2016 due to pollution-related diabetes, accounting for about 14 percent of all diabetes cases in the world.

In the United States, the study attributes 150,000 new cases of diabetes a year to air pollution and 350,000 years of healthy life are lost each year

. The University team undertook to examine the relationship between the particles and the risk of diabetes, by first analyzing the data of 1.7 million American veterans. (without a history of diabetes) who were followed for a median of 8.5 years.

Then, they reviewed all research related to diabetes and outdoor air pollution and devised a model to assess the risk of diabetes at various levels. Researchers have shown that the overall risk of pollution-related diabetes is greater for low-income countries like India, which lack resources for environmental mitigation systems and policies. clean air. 19659020] (function (d, s, id) {
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