Airbnb plans its debut on the stock market by 2020


Airbnb will become public in 2020. In May, Brian Chesky, the company's CEO, announced as part of the Recode & # 39; s Code Conference in California that there would soon be news of the launch. in progress of the project to make public.

Not a month has passed and this announcement is already starting to take effect

For the employees of the company, most of them with stock packages, the fact that the company becomes public involves some relief

Many of them had to stay in their jobs longer than they wished so as not to lose the amount of their shares. An IPO would facilitate the sale of these and even their price increase

From the IPO, the opportunity opens to Airbnb to pay the bonds to employees in cash and not in shares .

] The goal of Airbnb would be to make public between the moment it is "ready" and the end of 2020, when certain benefits for workers will expire.

There are 13 rounds of financing with $ 4,400 million raised, which has been awarded to the world's largest tourist technology, with no floor in the portfolio, an estimate of $ 31 billion.

Doubts Generated

As a few months ago at Snapchat, at its time of departure for stock market, problems regarding its viability in the future were more than numerous.

A situation similar to that, at some point, Uber will have to live and, of course, Airbnb by 2020.

In the case of Airbnb, one of his biggest problems as he would focus on the issue of regulation and its struggles with municipalities.

While in China, they face their local rival, in the case of Spain, Airbnb has just reached an agreement with Barcelona City Council after months of battle. For its part, Madrid, Valencia and the Balearic Islands declared war on the platform.

An important fact in these cases is that of numbers. The IPO of these companies involves revealing the biggest secret, that is to say that of a real prospect of revenue and profits, in addition to its historical behavior.

His private company status and great competition in the sector forced him to keep most of the information secret. (With information from agencies)

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