Alberto: living with AIDS is possible


Ten years ago, their plans took a different direction. I thought about marriage, having children and being an exemplary father.

All these desires disappeared when the Red Cross was diagnosed with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Doctors told him that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had progressed in his body to become AIDS.

"Alberto", unknowingly, had lived with the disease (HIV) for ten years. "When I knew I had AIDS, HIV was already in my body for ten years, and during that time I never knew I was infected," says -he.

Diagnosis . "Alberto" says the disease was diagnosed on Tuesday, April 3, 2008, just days after celebrating his 26th birthday.

The celebration was organized for more than a month. On the day of the celebration, the tears that rolled on her face blurred her happiness. "Everyone thought it was joy," he recalls.

About three months before the exams, he had an unstoppable cough, fever, night sweats and, for no apparent reason, he was losing weight. For him, everything was due to the accumulated fatigue, he thought that his work as an accountant in a reputable bank of Quito absorbed a large part of his life.

Thanks to the suggestion of a friend, she went to the Red Cross, she was never tested for HIV because she did not imagine it and it was "impossible that this disease is present because I almost always took care of myself ".

In the health agency, the social worker suggested that full examinations be done and he agreed.

One week removed the results. The tone of her cheeks is lifted when she was called to an office by the same social worker, she only remembers her name: Ines. After an introduction on what was the disease and life opportunities that he had, he received the news: "It is possible that you are HIV positive."

At that moment he felt as if thousands of needles were piercing his body, his heart was accelerating. and could not pronounce a word.

This reaction was accompanied by encouragement from Ines, who told him: "You must do a second test to confirm or exclude that you are a carrier".

A drop of illusion fills her soul, but she disappeared five days after confirmation of the initial diagnosis.

"At that moment I did not know what to do, I thought my life was over, I would die almost immediately," notes "Alberto", remembering that he does not know exactly how he could have been infected, although he suspects an ex-girlfriend.

treatment. As a survival rule "Alberto" must take three pills a day, at 8:00, at 20:00 and at bedtime.

Medication consumption accompanies a resounding life change: zero alcohol, no bad night, take care of the flu and other opportunistic diseases, not to have any unprotected sex, not to share personal items and a long list of requests that, after having met them to the letter, have given good results this last decade.

To have free access to the drug, "Alberto" went first to the IESS hospital once a month, then every 60 days and now, and because of his good physical condition, a quarterly. [19659002"Vivreaveclesidaestpossible"saysthemanof36ansquitravaillnowadaysEmpalmedansprovincedeGuayas

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