Alejandra Frausto shows her letters



Alejandra Frausto, secretary of Federal Culture (SC) of the virtual elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced yesterday the first four appointments of his work team. The first is Laura Esquivel, former legislator and author of Como agua para chocolate who will head the Undersecretariat for Cultural Diversity

. In addition to the director and screenwriter María Novaro, director of the Mexican Institute of Cinema (IMCINE); Mardonio Carballo in the general direction of popular cultures; and the ratification of Diego Prieto, director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

In an interview, after meeting privately with López Obrador, the promoter informed that the reduction of under-secretaries in the SC is being analyzed. proposals to transform Los Pinos into a cultural center. He acknowledged that the budget that will be allocated to the unit and the headquarters to which it would be transferred has not been defined, which has been said, would be in Tlaxcala.

He assured that the INAH and the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA)) will be the two main pillars of their cultural project, so that "they remain and have the strength to continue functioning. "

In addition, the official – who between 2013 and 2017 was director general of popular cultures – revealed that during his meeting with Obrador, he spoke about the historical and cultural heritage damaged by the earthquakes, and assured that this will be one of his work axes, given that more than two thousand properties are affected.

because we know that it will not stop shaking and that we must be planned for cultural heritage preservation projects; but we will see in what conditions we receive in advance, and these details we will know when the transition will begin formally ", although it is already said that it would take between 12 thousand and 13 billion pesos for continue the restoration announced yesterday, Excelsior consulted Bolfy Cottom, specialist in cultural legislation, and cultural director Eduardo Cruz Vázquez

Cottom explained that Frausto will need advice to tackle the revision of the legal framework of the general law of culture and cultural rights, of the CP regulation and to consider the likely duplication of functions.

He added that among the four nominations, the one that raises doubts is Laura Esquivel. "Because when it was about the debate on the approach of the General Law of Culture, Mrs. Esquivel had no openness to listen to the various voices; and an under-secretary, such as the one who will lead, needs to listen to the different voices of the sector. "

He felt that the ratification of Prieto was correct." But what I find regrettable and contradictory, is that I begin by announcing that there will be a reduction of under-secretaries, s & rsquo; There are only two; I am concerned because the SC is not, in terms of administrative bodies, like the others, but already lives in austerity and poverty. And if that was the decision … I think they should meditate deeply so that their mission is not truncated. "

On the decentralization of SC, Cottom said that" deserves a good discussion because I do not know in what sense the term is used decentralization or deconcentration, because it is only a change "place", which is not always viable.

In addition, Tlaxcalans question the benefits of change. "Is it going to generate new jobs or are we going to move all the staff in the city, what impact will it have on the population and on the services?" I think we do not have not the complete picture to understand the logic of this change. "Finally, he stressed that the idea of ​​converting Los Pinos into cultural center is interesting, but that the vocation of the city's museums should be reviewed and in this logic, change the vocation of the National Palace.

Cruz Vázquez acknowledged that the four nominations are consistent with the ideas put forward by Frausto.

He even considered that ratifying Prieto at INAH is "a logical consequence that bets on a person who brings a good career and all the sons of heritage", not to mention the waiting for assignments of earthquakes of September 2017.

And coincided with Cottom in that one of the two under-secretaries of the SC should not be deleted. "I do not think the SC has a load of duplicates or excess workers.A boat soon I do not think so, but you should do a review to identify the duplication of duties." But two under-secretaries, that seems enough. "

Finally, he asks Frausto that no appointment violates the regulations of the Career Professional Service, as in the case of popular cultures and other functions that are subject to said law. cva


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