Alert: dangerous vulnerability in new Android smartphones


Smartphone expert Victor van der Veen (Vvvdeen) released a new official report of international researchers who found a vulnerability known as RAMpage, which affects all recent Android phones and even some of iOS .

This Thursday the report came out and on weekends it was broadcast by the international media.

In the warning the experts revealed that the RAMpage is a variation of another vulnerability called Rowhammer, which manipulates existing data in the memory of affected devices.

RAMpage exploits the vulnerabilities of the ION subsystem, the memory controller, which first appeared in the system. running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, transcribe RT.

Although it attacks the Android system phones, the authors of the study are sure that it could affect iOS

What it does is Compromise words of pass, photos, emails and app messages, as well as sensitive documents stored in the phone's terminal.

The researchers unveiled the flaw to ask that Google and Android work and eliminate this vulnerability before affecting anyone.

At the moment there is no security solution to solve the problem, but they expect Google and the device protection specialists.

Nothing indicates that "these attacks occurred in a scenario other than that of the demonstration test, so we are not faced with a security breach that is causing havoc among users," Hipertextual says. his note on this subject.

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