Alert in the financial system for another cyberattack


CDs. An attack against a provider of Bitso cryptocurrency platform systems has alerted the country's authorities about the possibility of a new computer attack in the financial system.

On Thursday, July 5, Bitso was the victim of a cyberattack, which was detected by the company's security systems and forced to disable funds and withdrawals from customers.

According to Bitso, none of the clients' resources were in jeopardy and would work during the following days in a contingency plan, besides rejecting that the attack has some relationship with that recorded at the end of the year. April to the providers of the Bank of Mexico's Interbank Electronic Payment System (IBPS), which caused losses to five financial entities for 300 million pesos.

"In the following days, Bitso will operate in a contingency mode, given that a thorough review of security systems and processes, and could make some operational changes to increase user security and prevent a similar attack in the future, "said the company.

After detecting the attack on their systems, Bitso informed the Bank of Mexico, which triggered the activation of the Information Security Incident Response Group (GRI), composed the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the National Commission of Banks and Values ​​(CNBV), the National Commission for Protection and Defense. Financial services users (Condusef), as well as the Association of Mexican Banks (ABM) and other members of the Mexican financial system.

Once warned of the attack on Bitso, the Bank of Mexico has issued an alert to banks non-bank financial institutions and members of the system, to strengthen their security protocols.

"We ask them to strengthen the surveillance systems of their infrastructures These are the structures by which they operate in payment systems, and the reconciliation processes of the operations that they execute through them, as well as the strengthening alert systems to detect any irregularities, "says Banxico and Hacienda.

the financial authorities assured that the SPEI and no other financial institution had been attacked; However, they have made the public alert, which will remain until further notice.

According to the Bank of Mexico, taking into account the elements detected in the monitoring of the functioning of the system, the authorities asked the financial entities to increase their alert levels and strengthen the security and surveillance systems .

"The announced measure is preventive in nature and the infrastructure and participants of the financial system are functioning normally," explained the Central Bank.

This Friday no new event has been detected. and, if it is held normally, the alert could be lifted on Tuesday.

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