Alert to Sinaloa for drugs against hepatitis C


CULIACÁN, Sinaloa.- The authorities responded to the health warning that in the country launched the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris), on the distribution and consumption of Epclusa (sofosbuvir / velpatasvir), product used in the treatment of hepatitis C.

The head of the State Commission for protection against The health risks of Sinaloa (Coepriss), Jorge Alan Urbina Vidales, said the Cofepris, after an investigation, determined to establish the falsification of this drug.

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Urbina Vidales assured that Cofepris established the falsification of the drug, specifically lot 19SPFD201, with the expiration date 10/2019 and in bottles of 400 / 100 milligrams.

According to information from Vanguardia, everything was as a result of a citizen complaint. We have investigated and found that the legal representation of the production company Patheon Inc., Canada does not recognize the product, "he added.

He says that for this reason we do not recommend because it can create a risk to health, since the content of the ingredients, the undesirable reactions, and the sanitary conditions in which it was made are unknown. "

In Mexico, he said, the representation legal product is Gilead Sciences Mexico, and the company authorized for distribution is Farmacéuticos Maypo SA de CV, which sells it with cardboard box and informative annex.

He added that the research carried out revealed that the falsified drug was identified it was acquired through the importation through the personal consumption scheme, to which the insurance personnel could participate.

For the counterfeit product, Urbina Vidales indicated that the bottle contains text in German, while the original is in Spanish and that the color, shape and size of the tablet are very different.

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