Alerted by the viral game of "Momo", the evil character of WhatsApp


The Attorney General of Tabasco issued an alert addressed to children and young people in the recent game that has become viral in the social network of WhatsApp, on the famous "Momo"; A sinister character who after sending a message at 3:00 am, you must complete a challenge. Otherwise, threatens to appear at night or even throw a terrible curse.

According to a message from Twitter by the state agency, the story comes from a group of [19659003] Facebook in which the members were invited to initiate a conversation with an unknown number, even if there was a warning.

The photo dates from an Instagram account, in The Asian citizens appear posing next to a sculpture, which is characterized by the face of the "terrifying Momo", also accompanied by legs of strange chicken; he was exhibited at the Vanilla Gallery in Tokyo.

After the alert, they point out that the said game could result in the theft of personal information, as well as incitement to suicide or violence, in addition to extortion, harassment and the generation of information. psychological disorders such as insomnia, anxiety and depression. ] The number of so-called "Momo" is +81345102539, and is located in Tokyo, Japan.

In addition to the terror that came to generate among the users, there were others who found it funny and could not avoid the inertia of creating funny memes.


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