Alessandra and Derbez pour honey on social networks


CITY OF MEXICO.- Eugenio Derbez shared a touching video on his social networks, dedicated to his wife Alessandra Rosaldo, on the occasion of their sixth wedding anniversary.

Although love story between the comedian and the singer has always been one of the strongest in the middle of the show, the couple has faced some Challenges when they moved to Los Angeles, publishes the Who magazine's web portal.

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According to Eugenio in an interview that she gave exclusively for his relationship with Alessandra has had ups and downs that for Luckily, they overcame.

"I believe that the stability my marriage brought made my career grow but I admit that the first two years in the United States were terrible." Ale left her family, his friends while I went to work and I was traveling.We went through a very strong crisis about a year ago.Luckily we surpassed him, we already understood life here.It was not easy to get used to so many changes at the same time, "said Eugenio in this interview.

In the video that the actor has Made public in his Twitter account you can see some fragments of his civil and religious wedding, as well as special moments that have lived together.

For his part, the singer of Senses Opposite posted on his Instagram account a photo in which it appears, Eugenio and Aitana, to which she added a tender message to the 39, occasion of the celebration

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