Alfaro leads the election to the governor of Jalisco


The fast counting mechanism in Jalisco gave last night, until the closing of this edition, the benefit to Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano, at the election of the governor of this entity. Before eleven o'clock in the evening, the Institute of Electoral Participation and Citizen Participation of the State of Jalisco announced the estimate of voting in the entity.

The percentage of votes established in the year in Jalisco marks a lower limit of 37.7 per cent and an upper limit of 40 per cent for the Mayor of Guadalajara with a license, which would win in the second election of the agent of state in which he participates.

In an interview with MILENIO, he assures that his advantage is irreversible and invites the other candidates to respect the will of the citizen and to begin a process of reconciliation after the elections.

Last night, Alfaro Ramírez had an advantage of nearly 15% in the estimated results compared to Carlos Lomelí Bolaños, coalition candidate PT, Morena and PES. The doctor obtained a lower limit of 23% and 23.3% of the upper limit.

To be the first force in the 2012 elections, the PRI goes to a third place. Miguel Castro Reynoso appeared well below the opponents who were leading the exercise, since he recorded 16.1% in the lower limit and 17.6% in the upper limit.

PAN's Miguel Ángel Martínez recorded a minimum of 10.5% and 12 points of upper limit, while Martha Rosa Araíza Soltero, Nueva Alianza's candidate, has a lower limit of 1.7 and 2.2 points. higher. Until the end, Carlos Orozco Santillán, of the PRD, appeared with 0.8% and 1.2%

Alfaro pointed out to MILENIO that six years ago, when he was a candidate for the position of governor, "I knew how to accept, I had to lose, of the city of Jalisco, I invite our adversaries to recognize the decision of the people and to accept with dignity these results".

Alfaro said that the advantage will be greatest since there is alternation in the state and it is a solid distance.

On the strength of the vote in his favor, he noted that it was possible to maintain the condition of first force in the city of Guadalajara and to win the municipalities of El Salto and Tonalá, and the other seven municipalities of the metropolitan area. He said that he also managed to conquer a seat in the Senate.

Alfaro said that his government in Guadalajara was his "introductory letter" and that he managed to balance his strength in the city with better results in the interior of the city. ;state. also, that Jalisco and Mexico need a step of reconciliation and that, as the elections were difficult, everyone should send messages of caution and wisdom to build the agreements that Mexico and Jalisco need .

the "reconciliation in Jalisco", and noted that a fundamental change in the state can only occur on the basis of agreements.

Alfaro said that he will work jointly with Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the winner of the contest, but warned that it will not be a relationship of subordination. He added that he spoke with Ricardo Anaya and expressed his appreciation, and said that he will soon seek a meeting with the current governor of Jalisco, Aristóteles Sandoval, but first we will take a tequila, will celebrate at the Minerve and take urgent vacations. He added that with the outgoing administration, there will be no revenge, "but no forgiveness or forgetfulness," and so there will be no negotiations to save those who have abused public resources.

At night, Alfaro and the other candidates of Movimiento Ciudadano celebrate their triumph at La Minerve roundabout.


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