Alfaro rejects the coordinator of AMLO in Jalisco; "We do not need intermediaries," says


GUADALAJARA, Jal. (appr) .- The elected governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez insisted on his refusal of the figure of state coordinator of programs for the development of the Presidency of the Republic in Jalisco because, he stressed, "I do not know of any governor who needs intermediaries for the President of the Republic. "

" I reiterate my willingness to collaborate and conclude agreements with President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and I reiterate my will and my commitment to apply the fundamental principles of our Constitution and the pact in this federal state.This is not in the spirit of litigation or confrontation, it is on the contrary to specify once for all things need to be done We do not propose anything new I do not know of any governor who needs intermediaries to talk to the President of the Republic, we will talk with him and with the secretaries of 39; State. "

Alfaro's statement came after the virtual president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, noted that the next state coordinator of development programs in the entity will be Carlos Lomelí, former governorship candidate by Morena.

At a press conference, the elected governor said that in the coming days he will have a new meeting with Olga Sánchez Cordero, appointed by López Obrador to head the Ministry of the Interior, and stressed that he will also seek a meeting with Alfredo Durazo, proposed to occupy the Secretariat of Security, to talk about the model of security in the entity

In another issue, Enrique Alfaro approved the proposal of López Obrador so that no official will earn more than 108 thousand pesos that the new President of the Republic will receive monthly.

"I will earn less than the president, and all, all the officials will have to earn less than that, here there will be no tolerance for the vivals, for the corrupt, for the cynics who still believe that They can have super luxury salaries, "he said.

Regarding the salary of the magistrates, who earn more than the governor, he said that he will not allow this situation "if they want to fight it, once I tell them that They will hit the wall, we will not allow them to continue to abuse each other with legal bickering, "he said, admitting that it will not be easy. he will have to fight a legal battle to achieve this reduction in salary.

Alfaro Ramírez also mentioned that on August 2 he will meet the current Governor Aristóteles Sandoval to refine the details of the work process. He indicated that the following Monday, he would introduce the coordinators of the work teams in priority areas such as finance, infrastructure, health and education.

In this regard, he excluded the 40 million pesos envisaged for this process. And after clarifying that he has not detached from Movimiento Ciudadano (CM), he stressed that he will govern for everyone.

"I said that I was going to govern for everything Jalisco and from there notes saying that I was going to leave MC, that I was going to go to I do not know where, he There's nothing like that, "he finished.

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