Ali Chumacero, part of the country's gold letters


On July 9, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ali Chumacero, publisher, essayist, literary critic and poet, who, although he has published only three books in life, "is part of the gold letters of Mexican literature in the twentieth century."

That said Geney Beltrán Felix, national coordinator of the INBA literature, speaking of the program that is ready to celebrate the date, consisting of twenty activities in seven cities, between round tables, book presentations, exhibitions, with the intention of involving the cities that were important in the poet's life, such as Acaponeta, Guadalajara and Mexico.

"There is a validity of his poetic work, but also of his literary studies: we have sought to reflect this diversity of approaches in the different activities that we will have, in particular by putting the. Emphasis on the establishment of the most authoritative voices in Chumacero's work, in the search for eda new readers of his poetry, with the aim that the activities serve so that specialized knowledge reaches the readers on foot. "[19659002] With the title "I watch the storm is born." One hundred years of Ali Chumacero, "will offer an approach of facets that define the life and work of Nayarit, not only in the poetic creation part , but even his editorial work, especially in the Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE)

"In the first place is the poet, author of only three books, but this was enough to be placed as this hinge figure after the group of s contemporary, himself contemporary of the generation of Workshop of Octavio Paz and Efraín Huerta

"The second facet, little known, is that of the essayist and literary critic, which developed between the 40s and 60s, compiled in the book Critical Moments ; this part is related to its third facet as publisher in the FCE, in some magazines of the 40s. It is the one that Chumacero developed most regularly ", according to Beltrán.

INTIMACY [19659002] In addition to being the author of countless back-cover texts of FCE publications, he became – along with Arnaldo Orfila Reynal and Joaquín Díez-Canedo Manteca- in one of the pillars of this time of the seal, mainly in the 50s, when He became responsible for the collection Letras Mexicanas ", and he was himself at the origin of the writing of several very important authors, such as Xavier Villaurrutia and Mariano Azuela

"He is an author who, just as he is related to the magisterium of Los Contemporáneos, is also the heir of the 27-year-old Spanish generation, this temporal affinity with the generation of Workshop is equivocal because In contrast to Paz or Huerta, the generation of Tierra Nueva, to which belonged Ali, is rather an apolitical sign: they are poets a little more intimate, scholarly, humanist, who do not share explicitly in their lyric writing this social concern ", said Beltrán.

In a program that links the efforts of different institutions, the evocation of Chumacero began last night at the Library of Mexico, in a ceremony led by the Mexican Academy of Language. While the focus is on the different facets that define his work, poetry plays a central role in commemoration.

"In Ali Chumacero, there is a painful, tragic, very introspective poetic sign of a voice that speaks internally, and that has a vision of human existence governed by the loss. , the uncertainty, the orphanage, which makes it much closer to the following generations of Mexican poets, who were seeking an expression of the intimacy of emotions and passions. It is one of the most important features of his poetry. "

The intention of the commemorative program is not only to pay homage to the three books of Chumacero – Páramo de sueños Banished Images ] and Words to Rest – but that a greater number of readers will approach their work, which was always next to the book.

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