All digital natives gained audience in May 2018


In the Digital Native Media Rankings conducted monthly by El Economista and comScore, the volume of unique mobile visitors of all members has increased, with the exception of Regeneración, the digital media of Morena, the political movement of the winning candidate of the presidential election of July 1st, Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The beginning of the electoral campaigns in which the candidates for the presidency of Mexico strove to obtain a greater number of votes and "gave a rating" in a continuous way they helped the ranking media to increase their traffic volume by 17.68%, on average, compared to April records.

Uno TV recorded 10.9 million unique visitors of smartphones, imposing a distance of nearly three million users with their largest rival, SDP News (7.8 million). The site belonging to América Móvil, linked to the family of Carlos Slim, managed to keep readers informed of the latest statements of candidates through the news posted on the site, the section dedicated to the elections of 2018 and the classic text messages sent to Telcel subscribers.

El Periódico Sendero (SDP News), by Federico Arreola, struggled with their opinion columns by analyzing political events and "polls" with the intention of voting on social networks, but they were not enough to approach the king of the clicks of the classification, Uno TV.

The top ten places in the Digital Native Media ranking recorded an increase in mobile traffic of 21%. Uno TV was placed in first place with 10.9 million unique visitors, followed by SDP News (7.8 million), El Deforma (4.6 million), Mediotiempo (3.5 million), Cultura Colectiva (3, 5 million), La Neta Noticias (3.4 million), Political Animal (3.1 million), Aristegui Noticias (3 million), Sin Abargo (2.4 million), and Salud 180 (2.2 million).

In the traffic volume of the office, the story was different and the site of specialized journalism research, Animal Político, ranked first with 850,000 unique visitors, followed by SDP News (829,000), Aristegui Noticias (777,000), Salud180 (758,000), Collective Culture (736,000), Still (630,000), Mediotiempo (539,000)), Kiwilimón (388,000), De10 (378,000) and Sopitas (356,000).

Among tablet readers, SDP News leads with 227,000 unique visitors, followed by Aristegui Noticias (143,000), Uno TV (124,000), Nation321 (118,000), Mediote Impo (116,000), Culture Collective (108,000), Animal Policy (105,000), Health 180 (92,000), Kiwilimón (88,000) AttitudeFem (58,000) and De10 (55,000).

The Digital Native Media ranking analyzes the volume of digital media users in Mexico who produce and distribute content, regardless of category (news, entertainment, sports, humor). Only sites whose main distribution channels and business are born in digital format are taken into account, although they will later develop traditional media companies, such as print, radio or television. The volume of unique users is analyzed on three platforms: smartphones, tablets and desktops.

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Twitter: @pegatinaa

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