All we know about the filming of The Capital newspaper in Maryland


A man with accumulated resentment against a newspaper in the capital of Maryland was imprisoned without bail Friday by Five counts of premeditated murder one day after bursting into the newspaper The Capital with a rifle and killing five people in one of the worst attacks on journalists ] in the history of United States .

"The guy was there to kill all possible people," reported Anne Arundel County Police Chief Timothy Altomare, when A press conference held at Annapolis where is located the headquarters of the Capital Gazette newspaper which was the object of the shooting.

Altomare specified that, despite having anteced criminal entities, Ramos used a smoke grenades and a rifle bought "legally a year ago" to execute a murder in which five persons died and three others had to be treated by medical services


William Krampf, Acting Police Chief of Anne Arundel County stated that the attack was specific, that is, the aggressor "was looking for its victims." "I was ready to come and shoot people," added Krampf.

Journalists hid under their desks and searched for other places to hide. They described minutes of terror listening to the striker's footsteps and bullets as he walked into the newsroom.

Phil Davis a reporter covering cases in the court and the crime for the newspaper attacked, he tweeted: "There is nothing more terrifying than hearing how people get shot while you're under your desk and you hear the aggressor reload, "Davis said in a tweet. "I am a police department reporter, I write about this stuff – not necessarily to that degree, but shootings and dead – all the time, but no matter how you try to articulate how much it's traumatic to hide under your desk, you're there and you feel helpless, "he said.


" There's nothing more terrifying than it was. " to hear several people being shot while you are under your desk and listening to the shooter reloading his gun, tweeted Phil Daves, a reporter for The Capital newspaper, attacked today

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The survivors said the shooting – though it seemed like an eternity – only lasted a few minutes, and the police said that They reacted quickly, according to police spokesman Ryan Frashure, the police ers arrived within 60 seconds and stopped the assailant without opening fire.

Ramos, 38, was arrested while he was trying to hide under an office of Capital Gazzette. in Annapolis, the police said. Some 170 people have been evacuated from the building, where there are other offices. Many of them raised their hands while police and other emergency vehicles arrived.

According to the chief of police, Ramos had to be identified through a facial recognition system. that he was not wearing any identification with him at the time of his arrest nor that he was able to take his fingerprints because he had been mutilated so as not to be identified.

Ramos did not cooperate with his interrogators, police said Friday. documents before the courts, the authorities have described as "recalcitrant". Appearing by video before bail was refused, Ramos seemed to look closely, but did not speak. His public defenders did not comment outside the court.


Jarrod W. Ramos, 38, burned his own fingerprints to remain anonymous and stormed yesterday with a shotgun in the newspaper The Capital Gazette, to try to "kill all possible people "apparently because revenge

  Who is Jarrod Ramos, the author of the shooting in a Maryland newspaper?   Who is Jarrod Ramos, the author of the shooting in a Maryland newspaper?

For the moment, Ramos is "under arrest, without bail" and faces five counts of assassination in shootings perpetrated on Thursday, said Maryland District Attorney Wes Adams, who announced that the defendant was to undergo a "preliminary hearing". or to appear before a jury within a maximum of 30 days. "

Ramos has a long history of problems with the newspaper, including a lawsuit and Twitter threats . the newspaper did not want to make a complaint then on the grounds that it could "worsen the situation."

Tim Marquardt, retired editor and editor of the newspaper, told Gazette that he had long been worried about the history of Ramos.In 2013, he called the police for the cause of Ramos and considered filing a restraining order against him.

In 2012 , Ramos filed a complaint against the newspaper alleging that the newspaper, a chronicler and a publisher defamed in an article that speaks of guilt in a criminal case of harassment against a woman in 2011.

The woman said to the newspaper that Ramos It seemed to have problems, so she answered him and tried to help him by suggesting a counseling center. She said that it triggered months of messages in which Ramos sometimes asked her for help, but at other times she treated her with vulgarities and told her to commit suicide. She said The Capital that she asked him to stop communicating with her, but the messages continued. She called the police and the messages were stopped a few months, but then they started again "more unpleasant than ever," notes the article.

In his lawsuit, Ramos said that the article contained false and defamatory statements. ] and tarnished his reputation. A judge dismissed the complaint. Questioned by the judge, Ramos could identify only one statement of the article that was false or that only gave an example of how that affected him negatively and his claim against the newspaper had been canceled.


The attack, one of the worst acts against journalists in United States United which even led to increased security in other media in the country, truncated five

Rob Hiaasen 59, was a former editor of the Baltimore Sun who came to The Capital as an assistant editor in 2010 and wrote a column Sunday. "He loved journalism, he loved helping these young journalists at The Gazette," said his wife Maria at the Baltimore Sun. The US media pointed out that he was the brother of the writer Carl Hiaasen

Gerald Fischman was 61 years old and was "the conscience and voice of the newspaper", which he has written editorials for over 25 years. – John McNamara age 56, was a versatile sports journalist able to write, edit and design pages, also a movie lover and sports book author.

One remembers Wendian Winters 65 years, as a prolific writer and journalist who "had a knack for connecting with the community," said a former publisher

Rebecca Smith 34, had just been hired as a commercial assistant for the newspaper and had "a big heart", according to her friends.

"They were all accomplished professionals, and although we could sometimes disagree, they were still trying to show both sides of a story," Fox News told the county sheriff. Anne Arundel, Timothy Altomare, who knew each of the deceased.

The Capital Gazette where the tragedy occurred: " Five killed by gunfire in The capital ", with photos of the four journalists and the sales assistant ab atidos.

And in their editorial page they limited themselves to plead without words, leaving the space field in the honor of the victims, whose names stand out "Tomorrow, this page will come back to fulfill its firm goal of offering our enlightened opinions about the world around them, so that they can be better citizens, "they said.

Journalists were able to tell the drama that they live after improvising a hall drafting the back of the trucks, in a parking lot located near its headquarters, a building still cordoned off by the police. "I can not sleep, all I can do is report the facts," writes Phil Davis, a reporter covering the police, for one night on Twitter.


The Gazette of the capital, whose editorial was shot yesterday, covered his own tragedy and left his opinion section empty with a single phrase "Today, we We have no words ", followed by the names of the five fatal victims

The attack occurred after politicians and others, starting with President Donald Trump criticized the media – both verbally and social networks – and they will be labeled as "means of false news " (" false news media "). He urged New York Police to immediately strengthen security in the media.

Even with his repeated antiterrorism against the media, Trump said today that "this attack shocked the conscience of our nation. and this has filled our hearts with pain … Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being assaulted violently when they are doing their job. "


The president, very critical of the media and journalists since he took office, condemned" the horrible shootings "that occurred the day before in a newspaper of the Maryland stating that journalists should be able to work without fear Journalists must be able to work without fear of attack, says Trump after shooting ” border=”0″/>  Journalists need to be able to work without fear of attack, says Trump after shooting

At the White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said, "There is no room for violence, and that's what we stand for." Violence can not no case to be tolerated. "

* According to the information provided by the agencies


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