All you need to know about verification


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On July 2, mandatory vehicle inspection in Mexico City restarts, which is why more than 2 million motorists have to submit their aircraft to a gas emissions review and, for the first time time, to a physical inspection. mechanical, as well as the measurement of ultrafine particles.

This half-year, the cost of service will rise to 524 pesos because of the inflationary update; previously, 497 pesos were paid

According to Beatriz Cárdenas, director of air quality management, of the Secretariat of the Capital Environment (Sedema), the renewal of the verification equipment, which will be connected to a central system where traffic holograms will be issued, ensures that there will be no corruption in any of the 57 auditors who will take office next Monday in the capital.

The mandatory vehicle verification program in Mexico City was suspended in the first half of this year, to proceed with the installation of new overhaul equipment

As of July 2, the process will be relaunched, in which a physico-mechanical inspection will be applied to cars randomly and ultrafine particle measurement, these processes will not be determinative for the issuance of traffic holograms.

Modifications of the test. The verification process will be carried out as follows: the citizen must access the website in order to make an appointment with the auditor of his choice. On the day of its review, the user must arrive 15 minutes in advance and present proof of his latest check, circulation card and copy of the invoice, in case the vehicle is new. The car may not be subject to review if the unit has outstanding fines.

Data will be entered into the system and randomly assigned to a verification line. The owner will deliver his car to a technician, who will take him to the first test

In the case where the verification line has the equipment for physico-mechanical inspection, this new revision methodology will be carried out , which takes about seven minutes and involves analyzing the alignment, suspension, clearance and brakes of the car.

At the time, the vehicle owner will remain in a waiting room accompanied by a citizen counselor, who will clarify his doubts about the audit. 19659002] After this test, the vehicle will be subjected to reading of the onboard diagnostic system (OBD) via a connection in which the status of components such as catalytic converter and oxygen sensors will be measured. The test lasts about three minutes

The vehicle then passes the dynamometer test that verifies the amount of polluting gases emitted by the unit. For this analysis, the car is placed on rollers that rotate the tires 24 kilometers and 40 kilometers per hour, to calculate the amount of nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbon emissions. , carbon monoxide and fine particles. This process lasts between seven and ten minutes.

Once the verification is complete, the technician brings the car to the delivery area. The information collected during the process is automatically sent to the central system, which delivers the results.

The documents that will be issued after completion of this process will be a certificate where there will be tachometer graphics that will indicate the emission level of each pollutant and the assigned hologram, which may be " 00 "or" 0 ", allowing the movement of the unit seven days a week; 1, which prohibits circulation one day a week and two Saturdays a month, and 2 that orders not to circulate one day a week and every Saturday of the month at a time from 05:00 to 22:00.

In the case where the car has been subjected to physico-mechanical inspection, only one report will be issued.

Vehicle owners who do not perform the check in Mexico during the period corresponding to their hologram will be the creditors of a vehicle. penalty of one thousand 612 pesos, for extemporaneous verification. When the payment is made, 30 working days will be granted to carry out the verification, in case of not doing so, the fine will have to be paid again for the double of its value and so on.

Controversy over concessions . The director of air quality management, Beatriz Cárdenas informed that the list of auditors will be updated to clarify the controversy that has been generated around the delivery of concessions, after the Association Ecological Verification has denounced the granting of permits with little transparency.

The official explained that there was confusion in the order of delivery and revocation of concessions, so now the new list will have a consecutive numbering and not as before, where the list jumped 40 at 43.

The Sedema official denied that there was little transparency in the granting of permits, since the aim is to guarantee the operation of 350 lines of verification to satisfy the demand.

On the other hand, the president of the ecological audit association, Gustavo Torres, who represents 18 verificenters, whose concession was revoked, maintained that the amparos continue against the Sedema and accused that There was no reason for them to stop working.

"We will ask Claudia Sheinbaum, who will be the new head of government, to examine the delivery of the concessions to the new auditors.This allocation of concessions was political, it was made with total opacity", he says.

In recent days, in support of the association, the federal deputy of Morena Juan Romero Tenorio has filed a complaint against the owner of the local Secretariat of the environment. , Tanya Müller García, for presumed irregularities in the issuing of permits to the Comptroller General of Mexico City.

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