'Almeyda is good, but I prefer a Mexican coach against El Tri's: Pou


Among the rumors that indicate the possible departure of Juan Carlos Osorio in front of the Mexican National Team coach of Aguilas del América ] Miguel Herrera confessed that he would like a Mexican to take the reins, though he added that Matías Almeyda the main candidate, has all the rights to come.

"(Matías) is a guy who knows Mexican football, had achievements, why throw him, he is also a good guy on paper, four years he was in Mexico he knows the Idiosyncrasy of the Aztec footballer.I repeat, I prefer to be Mexican but Almeyda you can not dismiss it, as Antonio Mohamed because they are guys who have done well in our country, "says Miguel Herrera on ESPN.

Who was the coach of Tricolor during the 2014 Brazil World Cup reiterated his desire to see an Aztec coach at the head of the national representative.

 Matías Almeyda, on his way through the bench of Chivas

"I agree that today 39, we Mexicans have the ability to lead the Mexican national team I am not s candidate, there are Mexicans very well who could take the reins, already had his process the technician (Osorio), was the same as the last seven technicians we have been in selection in the World Cups and unfortunately we n & # # We have not passed the fourth game, which we all want to succeed. .

Finally, louse expressed that being DT of America could be a factor in favor of Mexican Selection .

"Yes you do things well in the team, obviously a team that attracts attention; Almeyda plays and he played very well in Chivas it's also a club that will take you to the national team, I think important achievements will lead you but obviously important teams in Mexico can catapult, "he shared. [19659012] [ad_2]
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