Almost 10 executed, in less than 24 hours


Uriel Saucedo

Tijuana.- Three people were found dead on Saturday morning in different parts of the city, who have not been identified. While, in the afternoon and Friday evening, six other bodies were found.

One of these events took place in Matamoros Street in Poblado Ejido district of Matamoros, near a dirt road; between bushes, one found the lifeless body of a man between 40 and 45 years old, who was not identified, but he wore a white shirt, plaid shorts and brown huaraches. It was reported that the body had sustained injuries with a firearm on his head, in addition to having his hands tied and a handkerchief around his face.

On the other hand, the lifeless body of a woman was found on the skirts of a hill, located 300 meters from the street Aguila Silbona, in the Colonia Baja Maq el Águila ; Without further information, it was mentioned that the woman had a face injury done with a firearm. In addition, on the pipeline of the Tijuana River, under the pedestrian bridge of the Mission de la Paz, the corpse of a man has been reported, which until now has not been identified.

With regard to the bodies found during the last hours on Friday, it was mentioned that on the Sara parking lot, located in the first street of the Colonia Centro neighborhood, a Nissan Altima vehicle with license plates of the state of Massachusetts was abandoned, where the lifeless body was found in the trunk. from which no additional information has been provided.

Similarly, a man named Juan Noel Fonseca Panduro, 45, was shot in the face while he was in Sierra street, Ejido Javier Rojo Gómez.

In addition, in Villa Ejido Francisco, the dead body of a man named Jorge Mauricio Ortiz Herrera, aged 30, was found on the street, the conclusion was made after the neighbors did the report to 911, mentioning heard detonations made with a gun, to see later on the street Emiliano Zapata, the victim in question.

Among the acts of violence, it was reported that in the pipeline of the Tijuana River, at the height of the general hospital, a human head was left, for which elements of the municipal police and Experts of the Attorney General's Office (PGJE) went to the place for the corresponding investigation.

Another death occurred inside the general hospital, where 27-year-old Fabiola González Ramírez, who had entered June 28 after being spilled in Otay's ward, been declared lifeless. he managed to survive.

And in a ravine between the Lomas del Mar subdivision and the Real del Mar subdivision, a calcined vehicle was found, beside which was found the charred body of a person whose sex did not could be confirmed, but it is believed that it could have been between 35 and 40.

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