Alyssa Carson, at a young age getting ready for March


Exceeds the tests of the US space agency, created his own key code and was a member of special panels on the exploration of Mars alongside astronauts and space scientists, only at 17 years old.

] Alyssa Carson is not a teenager, but she became the first candidate of the US Airports Administration and Space (or NASA) to be a leader of the team during a trip to the Red Planet scheduled for 2033. [19659002] #Video ? This 17 year old young woman will be one of the first people to visit Mars for a space mission ??? pic.twitter. com / iX2KqdxlQy

– El Universal (@El_Universal_Mx) July 17, 2018

Although he is technically not fit to apply to the astronaut program, he has already participated in many camps of the Organization, working or working closely with NASA's scientific teams, including formal discussions on the challenges of human exploration of the red planet.

Teen Vogue interviewed Alyssa, who shared the memories she reserves for each monthly workout mission; He explained that his interest appeared at a young age with an episode of the Backyardigans, & Wow, this red planet is great, "he recalls, surprisingly from the March illustration in the caricature. "From there I started looking for Rover videos, missions and I also had a map of Mars.We bought a telescope to observe the stars."

After 7 years, was recorded by his father in the Hunstville, Alabama Space Camp, a place where children are attracted to professions

However, he was 9 years old when he took the serious and ceased to be a mere hobby, when he met astronaut Sandra Magnus. & # 39; & # 39; What happened to other children has happened, changing your mindset about your future career, such as when you decide you want to become a teacher or try to become president. " he explains.

Currently, Carsson is learning 3 languages ​​in addition to his native English: Chinese, Spanish and French; he is looking for a university in which he can learn astrobiology to continue his dream.
But his goal brought him sacrifices like not being quiet at home because he attends lectures and exercises around the world most of the time; and NASA advised him not to train his own family, or to have a partner, before the mission in 2033.

"Tuesday is a place that has never been reached, so it's a good thing. is a dangerous mission to have someone you love on earth would be a distraction.If I meet someone like that, I will have to wait, "she said determined for Teen Vogue

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