America closes the signature of Cristian Insaurralde


America is again complete, the azulcrema group announced on its Twitter account the arrival of Argentine Cristian Insaurralde, 27, from Chile O. Higgins, (although the last team that he lent was Cerro Porteño from Paraguay) and will join the club the following week, restoring the balance of the blue box after the wounds of Cecilio Domínguez and Jérémy Ménez.

Last week, Santiago Baños and Miguel Herrera opened the possibility of having a last reinforcement, although in the beginning the goal was to face the tournament with the players of the career, but Tuesday, in an analysis that has been done scenarios that the painting of Coapa will have, the door has been opened for a new signature.

America needed a footballer who had an imbalance, because the losses of Ménez and Domínguez generated a decompensation in attack, falling from two players able to create play and give a touch of vertigo to the eagles by the center of the field and by the left band, for the moment there is only Andrés Ibargüen and when the participation of the Mexican national team under 21, also Diego Lainez, while Cecilio still has about five weeks in advance of recovery.

In the last days, negotiations have accelerated, Insaurralde has been observed, but the circumstances and conversation Tuesday between Herrera, Baños and Culebro, have concluded as they should go for that. And it will come to Coapa on loan for a year.

Insaurralde, 27, was trained in River Plate's career, although his debut in professional football was in the Quilmes club of Argentina in the 2012-13 season. After playing for two years at Sportivo Belgrano and during the 2015-16 season, he moved to O & # 39; Higgins in Chile, where he also remains two years. For the 2017-18 season, he came to Cerro Porteño with whom he participated in the Copa Libertadores.

Skillful cut, meets the characteristics of moving in the attack zone around the rival zone, and manages both profiles. Cristian will have a year to strive to exploit their conditions and try to win a place in the Coapa box, the stage is on the table and get to be a solution in the face of adversity.

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