AMIA: many criminal cases, but the attack is still unpunished – 18/07/2018


Twenty-four years after the attack on the headquarters of the Israel Mutual Association of Israel (AMIA) and the Delegation of Argentine Jewish Associations (DAIA) and while the families of the 85 mortal victims still claim justice in the face of impunity, The quarter century, Justice has given almost no answers in all this time in several court cases: the central cause was Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, who asked for the capture of seven Iranian citizens as intellectual writers of the attack. Of these other cases, four have arrived or will soon be on trial. They are as follows:


The Oral Federal Criminal Court 3 (TOCF3) acquitted a group of police officers from Buenos Aires in 2004, identified by the first detainee of the case, Carlos Telleldín, as for those who had delivered the van supposedly used as a car bomb to collide with explosives in front of the old building of Pasteur 633. Telleldín was also acquitted. The argument of the court was that the case filed by the judge who was responsible for the investigation, Juan Jose Galeano, was null and void because the accusation of Telleldín against these policemen were paid with his consent by the government of President Carlos Menem. with funds reserved from the former Secretary of State for Intelligence (SIDE) to find a "scapegoat" and close the case even though the defendants were not guilty. The nullity reached all that concerned the former policemen led by the present lawyer and former commissioner Juan José Ribelli, but not the other international bodies investigated by Galeano and the former prosecutors Eamon Mullen and José Barbaccia


More than a year ago, TOCF2 proceeded to the hearing against Galeano, the former prosecutors, Menem, Telleldín, his former lawyer Víctor Stinfale, the former head of SIDE Hugo Anzorreguy and other defendants (including the former chairman of DAIA Rubén Beraja) for payment to Telleldín-revealed in the first trial by the intelligence agents who are intervened in the operation, released from professional secrecy by decision of the then president Néstor Kirchner – and for not having investigated the so-called "Syrian way", in reference to the merchant Alberto Kanoore Edul, fam relations iliales because of its Syrian origin with the then president and current senator of ia province of La Rioja. This trial is now at the allegations stage of the accused after the prosecution 's requests for sanctions and the prosecution of all the defendants. The complaint of the Ministry of Justice has not asked for sanction to former prosecutors Mullen and Barbaccia – who, like Galeano, left their post as a result of this case – have caused a short circuit in the government of Mauricio Macri and the departure of the former radical Senator Mario Cimadevilla, who was responsible for the AMIA Investigation Unit which depended on the Ministry of Justice. In this case, the sentence is expected before the end of the year


In March 2019 oral trial against Telleldín for his alleged responsibility in the attack since, on the basis of the appeal of the AMIA and DAIA against the judgment of the first trial, the Supreme Court of Justice declared that the nullity of the 2004 TOCF3 did not reach The first inmate of the case for all the evidence before his accusation against the police of Buenos Aires, made in 1996 As the TOCF3, the Court ruled that the attack was committed by the car bomb built of the truck that had passed through the hands of Telleldín and that it was on sale a few days before the terrorist attack through a notice in the newspaper Clarín . The court that will judge him again will be TOCF3, but now with another integration. The judges will be Andrés Basso, Javier Ríos and Fernando Machado Pelloni


Already raised to the test but without date yet to begin, this is the complaint filed by the prosecutor who was charged with investigating the attack since the resignations of Mullen and Barbaccia until his death, Alberto Nisman against the government of then president Cristina Fernández, four days before he was shot at his home, for the alleged concealment of former Iranian officials that he had accused of being the organizers of the attack. For humanitarian reasons, the TOCF8 made an advance statement last week of one of the accused, former Chancellor Hector Timerman cancer patient. In addition to him and the former president will be tried, among others, the former leader piquetero Luis D 'Elia relations with Iran during the Kirchnerist governments, and The former head of the local Arab community Jorge Khalil ] Nisman denounced that the government of Cristina Fernandez has negotiated a pact with Iran – through the so-called protocol of 39; agreement with this country – to remove the Argentine justice from the pursuit of the act and to obtain the lifting of the red circulars which weigh on the old this country so that the international police (InterPol) stops them all over the world adhering to their system. Last week, the judge who maintains the original investigation, Rodolfo Canicoba Corral asked the governments of Russia and China to stop the interception. them, former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati. they indicated that he would visit these countries because the red circular does not weigh on him because of the high diplomatic stance he held, as Interpol decided ten years ago .

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