Amid scandals, resigns chief of the EPA


Washington – Scott Pruitt, former Attorney General of Oklahoma, who defended the promises of deregulation of President Donald Trump to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), resigned Thursday after a cascade of controversies around his lavish spending, ethical failures and controversial administrative decisions end up undermining the president 's confidence in one of his most fervent cabinet members.

Pruitt's reputation, as a stubborn deregulator and notorious adept of the president, has allowed him a string of ethical scandals in recent months, including doubts about the use of money taxpayers to afford a first class trip, rent an abandoned condominium in Washington and install a soundproof telephone booth, $ 43,000, in his office.

But revelations of his behavior continue in accumulating, including reports that he repeatedly left as a commission to his subordinates to help him find a home, book personal flights and even Help him find a job that would allow him to pay a million dollars for his wife. This research included scheduling a phone call with the leaders of Chick Fil-A, in which she discussed the possibility of becoming the company's dealer, as well as contacting a legal group, which has eventually hired Marlyn Pruitt.

In recent weeks, an exodus of trusted employees has left Pruitt increasingly isolated, and some Republican lawmakers, once loyal to him, have shown him his disgust for defending him. Capitol investigators have summoned current and former EPA assistants for questioning, as part of more than a dozen federal investigations into Pruitt 's spending and the administration' s administration. # 39; agency.

On Thursday, Trump called Pruitt's assistant, Andrew Wheeler, to inform him that he should take over the management of the agency, according to a person who spoke under cover of Anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.

Shortly after, Trump announced in a tweet he had accepted the resignation of Pruitt.

"I accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt as a director of the Environmental Protection Agency," according to Trump tweeted. "At the agency, Scott has done a tremendous job, and I will always be grateful to him for that.The Senate confirmed Andrew Wheeler at the helm of the EPA, and on Monday he will assume his duties as the current administrator of the agency.I have no doubt that Andy will continue our formidable and lasting EPA program.We have made tremendous progress and the future of the EPA continues to be promising! "

Wheeler, a former Senate staff member and EPA employee who has spent the last decade representing corporations Coal, mining and other He should assume the direction of the agency on Monday, according to Trump tweeted.

The resignation marked a precipitous fall for Pruitt, who during his almost 16 months in the office took steps to overturn more than a dozen regulations of the time. Obama and reformed important elements of the agency's position on scientific research.

For months he had qualified as a personal confidant and influential political advisor to the president, sympathizing with Trump for negative stories and prying assistants, At the same time, he did not stop praising the commander chief for his intelligence and political sense

. In recent months, Trump initially tried to defend his boss against the EPA. The president tweeted in early April that he "was doing a good job," despite the revelations about renting a condo for $ 50 a night from the lobbyist, the huge increases for helpers high ranking and dozens of high flying flights. Classy and expensive trips funded with taxpayers' money. Trump publicly defended Pruitt and praised the performance of his work again in early June.

Pruitt also endured a series of controversial hearings recently on Capitol Hill, admitting very little guilt for lawmakers on both sides questioned with severe ethical behavior and spending decisions.

But the EPA leader continued to be beset by bad publicity, with a litany of presumed excessive spending that current and former assistants revealed to congressional lawmakers. The Government Accountability Office concluded that Pruitt had violated spending laws by setting up a $ 43,000 noise-proof phone booth in his office – one of the more than half a year. dozens of federal inquiries surrounding his work as a director. agency

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