Amieva orders an expertise for a baby lost at Ticomán Hospital


Pedro Domínguez

The head of government, José Ramón Amieva ordered an expert opinion on ultrasound of the woman who claimed to have twin pregnancy and that at the time of delivery at the General Hospital of Ticoman, only delivered to a baby.

On June 4, a woman accused that a baby was stolen from the General Hospital of Ticoman, because on entering work, a doctor explained that one of the children did not Had no problem to be born, but that one was transversal and that a caesarean section was needed, but that only one minor was received.

He added that while questioning the Doctors, they responded that only one was born.

"We have the report that in the hospital that at the time of generation delivery was not twins but only a baby", explained the head of government

Amieva said that the ultrasound reveals whether the woman had a twin pregnancy or not

"Everything resides in an ultrasound, an ultrasound that interprets that it could be safe." act of a twin pregnancy, we asked the experts of the Attorney General's Office to interpret this ultrasound, "says Amieva.

He added that he had asked the Ministry of Health to strengthen procedures for the care of pregnant women and that they were accurate when they gave information to patients and relatives. .

Rejected the implementation of a safety device in hospitals, but said that they review the protocols, information and staff of medical centers.

"We can not question the professionalism and accountability of the medical staff, we are talking about doctors, nurses, stretcher bearers, who enjoy all our gratitude," he said.



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