AMLO and Peña agree to work together on the renegotiation of NAFTA


The virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Tuesday that he will work jointly on the issue of the North American Free Trade Agreement (19459003) with the government of the president Enrique Peña Nieto

López Obrador met Peña Nieto for about an hour at Palacio Nacional and, after the meeting, gave a message.

"We will work together on the revision of the Free Trade Agreement (North America) and we will agree that the team that led this negotiation process is maintained and that we , with technical specialists, can accompany this process, Of course, he still supports the current government, "he explained to the media

AMLO explained that he knew that the current team renegotiating the commercial pact with the Canada and the United States to do an adequate job

"I have information that the members of the team negotiating the treaty did not I'm talking about secretaries of foreign affairs, the economy and those who contribute to this effort, and we are going to help in this period with a team that will be informed of the progress made and what needs to be done for the signature of this agreement ", he said.

In the message given to the National Palace, he stated that "It was a cordial, friendly and important meeting, because we are dealing with questions relating to"

About members of his team of transition López Obrador explains that it will consist of Olga Sánchez Cordero, Tatiana Clouthier, Ibarra Julio Scherer, Carlos Urzúa, Alfonso Romo, Héctor Vasconcelos and Marcelo Ebrard

According to the Program Preliminary Results of Electoral Results (PREP) of the National Electoral Institute (19459004), Lop ez Obrador is the virtual president elected to get 52.96% of the votes.While Ricardo Anaya, of & # 39; Por México al Frente ", got 22.49%, and José Antonio Meade, of" Todos por México ", 16.40%.

On the night of July 1, the current Mexican president sent congratulations to AMLO. He claimed to have spoken with Morena's flagship and assured him that he will work with his team to make the transition between the outgoing government and the new government.

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