AMLO at the end of its meeting with Peña: Economic stability and social peace, the priority


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- In an informal meeting, President Enrique Peña Nieto received today Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who two days after his electoral victory offered wide recognition to the interim president and although he mentioned that his He spoke at length about his recent experiences

"It was a friendly and productive meeting", he said in the Salón Tesorería, which was installed as a conference room for López Obrador. As he said last Sunday in his triumphant speech, he acknowledged Peña Nieto for not being involved in the electoral process, because he argued that he had suffered in the past from the Interventionism that does not correspond to democracy.

Received without the character of president-elect, the agreement that they concluded is in itself a truism: the transition will begin when the Tribune to the electorate validate its triumph, something that is in does the legal thing, but that in this opportunity includes the participation of the next government in the definition of the 2019 budget, as well as the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement with North America.

The priority is economic stability and the guarantee of peace and tranquility, he explained

The integration of the budget will include the social programs announced during the campaign, such as the youth scholarships and help for the elderly. the salary of senior officials, the promise of not using government aircraft, and even the Presidential General Staff for their protection, the latter being addressed during the meeting with Peña Nieto.

Prudent, far from the tones and expressions López Obrador said that President Peña Nieto is concerned about the safety of the next head of state, so he offered the protection of the EMP, but the Tabasco, before the reject, replied that he was going to think about it.

However, he insisted that the Presidential Detention Unit and senior officials be integrated into the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), as he proposed in the campaign.

The priority of the meeting is, he said, communication to maintain economic stability, guaranteeing the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and other policies which, from the confirmation of its triumph, will involve the direct work of his transitional economic team, in which the profiling Secretary of the Treasury, Carlos Urzua, will participate, as well as Alfonso Romo

Transition Team

And, this morning, López Obrador also announced to those who will compose his transition team:

In the political part, confirmed the participation of who will be Secretary of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero; in addition, Tatiana Clouthier, and the incorporation of Julio Scherer Ibarra.

Meanwhile, Hector Vasconcelos, proposed to be Secretary of Foreign Affairs, and Marcelo Ebrard, will be responsible for the transition in foreign policy, accompanying the team negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement. North American exchange, that López Obrador has proposed as a good job, who will know his team perfectly in a few weeks.

Invited to the APEC Summit

For the moment, Peña Nieto has already invited him to the APEC Summit in Puerto Vallarta, which will be held on July 24, while Tabasco expects to have validated the outcome of the presidential election.

The meeting between the outgoing president and the outgoing president is usually held once an elected president is legally declared.

Among other issues, said that they talked about the New Mexico airport, whose content will begin to see the transition.

In fact, the expressions of López Obrador, as well as the questions on which they concluded agreements, describe a smooth and clearly ordered transition, because, as he said, it is important to have a good time. accompany the government of Peña Nieto until the end of his period

He also assured that he has already had meetings with businessmen, and that tomorrow he will hold another, to generate economic tranquility.

Sunday's election winner said he will hold today a meeting with his security advisory team, to initiate the convening of religious leaders, social leaders and political leaders. rights advocates to contribute to a peace plan, in which he did not mention the inclusion of victims.

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