AMLO ignores the triumph of Martha Erika Alonso in Puebla


WHEN SAID THAT for "us" the elected governor of Puebla is Luis Miguel Barbosa and appoints none other than Yeidckol Polevnsky, the national president of MORENA in charge of legal defense accompanied by a chosen group of lawyers for this case, the virtual president of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is not aware of the victory of Martha Erika Alonso de Moreno Valle as the PAN leader in the state, well that she has already received the record of the majority. With this – at the same time – this party sets in motion all the legal procedures before the electoral bodies to demand the annulment of the election and for which, he says, it will reach the final consequences.

week: the former candidate for governorship Luis Miguel Barbosa has all the support of his party and especially Manuel Andrés. Already in his first statements in recent days, Yeidckol had ordered the state leadership to ask the electoral authorities to vote by vote, box by box, but before the tests sent to them by National and international observers, more neat compiled, said that there is no choice but to go all out and ask for the cancellation of the process, as he made the former senator himself.

IN THE MANY tests they have, they say, are videos of those observers who demonstrate coercive voting practices. The head of MORENA reiterated that Barbosa has all the national support, also based on many other anomalies that according to the opinion of the defender of the former candidate and head of the electoral advisory council of this party, Santiago Nieto, are causes of nullity, such as violence in the election, the theft of ballot boxes, excessive campaign expenses and the violation of electoral principles, among others, by the governor's candidate Martha Erika Alonso de Moreno Valle.

TRANSCENDED in the state steering committee that there were "voices and rumors paid" that were made a few days after the election, in the sense that Luis Miguel Barbosa was alone because AMLO had already left it. This was nothing but a dirty war, because at the first opportunity, the virtual president of the Republic gave the public the "support" by inviting him to the national meeting he had with the governors and elected deputies, after which he made the statement initially mentioned. So, or more clearly!

Thus, this post-election struggle is just beginning and, as the jurists point out, it will be long and tedious and there will be a lot of public and private daubbling, but we hope the truth will be revealed. CERTAINLY, This week, a group of activists from civil organizations, academics and journalists joined the voices of some businessmen and various groups, asking the National Electoral Institute to investigate the realization of the elections in Puebla, because there is a set of indicators, such as the dissonance in the figures between the federal election for the president of the republic and the state, the theft of ballot boxes and violence, which should be clarified. These are increasingly the voices that demand respect for the popular will and democracy.

CORRESPONDS to the State Electoral Institute, or the Electoral Court of the State to resolve the nullity of the election and, if this is not the case will appeal to the last instance which is the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation, which will give the motive to whoever has it. Moreover, given the bias demonstrated by the first two, whose holders are considered affine Moreno-Valdismo, it is possible that the determination that they emit remains partial, so Luis Miguel Barbosa will have to reach the last mentioned example that could still "fix the apartment" as it happened in recent weeks. At the time!


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