AMLO meets chambers of industry and commerce


Mexico City – A week before the presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador meets on Monday the members of the confederations of the industrial and commercial chambers.

This morning, the virtual winner of the federal elections holds a private breakfast, in Polanco, with Concamin, directed by Francisco Cervantes Díaz.

It is expected that during the meeting they will address issues such as public and private investment in infrastructure, the future of energy reform, boost employment, youth support, safety and security. the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

In addition, increase the natural gas network so that businesses can be competitive.

The Tabasco arrived around 8 am at a hotel in Polanco, Mexico, accompanied by members of his team such as Alfonso Romo and Yeidckol Polevnsky.

The president of Concamin, Francisco Cervantes, He received López Obrador and declared that they trusted in a prosperous, open and confident dialogue.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador was greeted with applause as he entered the room where the session was being held.

Representatives of various industries came to the meeting. the National Chamber of Electrical Constructions, the Association of Buses, the House of Huila, the Metallic Containers, as well as some former Presidents of Concamin.

In several interviews, the head of Concamine spoke out in favor of the project of education and vocational training for young people, priority for investments in the south of the country and the commercial dialogue with the United States and the United States. Canada.

The Confederation represents those who now generate 40% of the country's jobs.

This Monday in the afternoon, López Obrador will meet downtown with the members of Concanaco, which includes 255 agencies, in which sectore participates that account for 54 percent of the national economy.

Last April, Tabasco did not respond to the call launched by this agency to participate in the forum "Five Axes for a Prosperous Mexico."

However, the head of the Confederation, José Manuel López Campos, acknowledged that the sector is ready to work hand in hand with the new government, to which they will ask for investments in infrastructure, social programs are avoided and counterweights are generated.

"We are looking for an approach to building bridges and having a permanent dialogue," he said.

The leaders of both chambers have already held a first meeting with Tabasco politician on July 4, during the meeting with the Business Coordination Council (CCO) and the 12 organizations it groups.

López Obrador should attend the meetings with the future head of the Office of the Presidency, Alfonso Romo, and his collaborators who will occupy the Secretariats of Economy, Labor and Tourism, as well as the President of the National Movement Regeneration (Brunette), Yeidckol Polevnsky, among others.

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