AMLO takes 91% of constituencies, but its challenge will be to negotiate in Congress: experts


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, now virtual president-elect of Mexico, and Morena obtained an absolute majority in the vote on Sunday; However, his biggest challenge will be to negotiate with Congress, experts said Monday in Urna Tras Otra.

AMLO took 91% of the districts represented, according to an analysis prepared by the analyst Sebastián Garrido, with base in 75.2 percent of the files calculated before the National Electoral Institute (INE).

"(Andrés Manuel) López Obrador won 80% of the polls in the country, at the same time as he won 91% of the districts, ie 273 of the 300 districts in conflict, which testifies to a presence unprecedented geographical location ", he also researcher at the National Laboratory of Public Policies of the CIDE.

On the contrary, José Antonio Meade, candidate of the coalition "Todos por México" has registered no district won and the PRI is in a very difficult situation.

"It's their worst result (of the PRI) in a presidential election, even worse than in 2006, when Roberto Madrazo won 26% of the vote and the PRI crisis is not stopping. not there, the states, have not won a single government and will be the fifth bench of the Chamber of Deputies, "he added.

Javier Aparicio, researcher at the Political Studies Division of CIDE said that although Morena obtained an absolute majority, the next challenge will be to negotiate with Congress

"the opposition would have a veto, but it's an amalgam of rare things, we do not know if people from PRD or PRI will want to join López Obrador or Morena caucus.We do not know a López Obrador in the process of negotiating with a Congress or his caucus, now they're going to have to get a lot of yes in Congress, "he explained.

He argued that party configuration has changed so much that it is very likely that Nueva Alianza and the PES will disappear, and it is not known to what extent Morena is composed of persons belonging to the other parties.

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