AMLO will propose Martha Bárcena as ambassador to the United States


The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador will propose Martha Bárcena as ambassador of Mexico in United States, and so it was presented this Friday in the meeting that they had with a US Government delegation

"In his transition offices, Andrés Manuel López Obrador was accompanied by members of his next government: Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, Economy, Graciela Márquez, Public Security, Alfonso Durazo, Government, Olga Sánchez and Treasury, Carlos Urzúa
They were also: the head of the office of the president, Alfonso Romo, the negotiator of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Jesús Seade and who will be the proposal for the representation of Mexico in the United States, Martha Bárcena ", says a statement sent by the office of the virtual elected president.

At the meeting were, on behalf of the US Government, secretaries: National Security, Kirstjen M. Nielsen, Treasury, Steven Terner Mnuchin, Political Planning System, Kimberly Breier.

Ambassador Michael Mckinley also participated; Head of the Western Hemisphere Affairs Office, Francisco Palmieri, Assistant Secretary of State, Carl C. Risch and Chargé d 'affaires, William H. Duncan.

Bárcena is currently the representative of Mexico to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Graduate of the Iberoamerican University of Communication Career has been Mexico's Ambassador to Denmark and in Turkey.

She also has a degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University.

The post of Mexico's ambassador to the United States will have to be ratified by the Senate once López Obrador has taken office and presented the proposal.

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