An alleged money laundering leads Keiko Fujimori to pre-trial detention


October 31, 2018

The resolution issued today by Judge Richard Concepcin Carhuancho, of the First National Preparatory Inquiry Court, considers that Fujimori is running a criminal organization.


Keiko Fujimori, the main opposition leader in the country, enters prison as a preventive measure for 36 months to be of "serious suspicion" about the order given to the Popular Force, the party that she chairs, launder money to fund his campaign for the 2011 presidential election.

The resolution issued today by Judge Richard Concepcin Carhuancho of the First National Preparatory Inquiry Court considered that the leader of Fujimori was a criminal organization rooted in his party to raise illicit funds and gain power. policy, to reimburse later for acts of corruption.
The magistrate ruled that the daughter and political heir of former president Alberto Fujimori could be sentenced to at least ten years in prison for an alleged money laundering offense.

The money would have been laundered with the simulation of multiple donations from individuals who lent their name to do a fictitious bookkeeping.

This would have been done with the million dollars that the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht claims to have brought to the Fujimori campaign, apparently from the account used by the company to pay bribes in a dozen countries in Latin America.

Concepcin Carhuancho pointed out that the risk of obstructing justice was another reason for putting the pre-trial prison against Keiko Fujimori in prison.

In this sense, witness statements according to which Keiko Fujimori allegedly met former judge Csar Hinostroza, currently held in a temporary prison in Spain, for leading a vast network of influence, favors and judicial extension. .

Hinostroza presides over the second transitional criminal chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. She must resolve two Keiko Fujimori calls for her to conduct the investigation as a result of this and for Fuerza Popular a money-laundering appeal against Jos Domingo Prez.

On the risk of escape, the judge felt that this "is intense and high," while Fujimori has roots at work and home, but no work because he might doubt that running a political party is a problem. working link.

After reading the resolution, which lasted nearly eight hours, Fujimori was detained for a few hours in a prison, probably the Lima women's prison in Chorrillos.

Keiko Fujimori's lawyer, Giuliana Loza, announced that she would appeal the decision for having considered, among other arguments, that she "had never had an impartial judge".

"He has not cited any evidence directly implicating Keiko Fujimori, he is only credited for leading the Fuerza Popular party," he added.

Loza reiterates that there is no danger of escape and has been described as a "forced and irrational" argument regarding the obstruction of justice.

For her part, Keiko's husband, Mark Vito, denounced the fact that his wife was the victim of a "public lynching and expropriation" by the judge and the prosecutor.

After saying goodbye to Keiko with an extended hug, Vito assured between tears that her pain and the tears of her two youngest girls "will be the essence to continue and to resist".
"This move strengthens us, it will not grow as a couple and as a family, Keiko, I love you, resists, I love you, you will soon be in our arms, in the arms of your family ", he added.

From the Congress Group, the People's Force parliamentary group, led by Congressman Miguel Torres, head of the party's crisis committee, said that Keiko Fujimori was the first political prisoner in Per's history and had indicated that his imprisonment was part of a political persecution.

Pre-trial detention order against Keiko Fujimori arrived on the seventh day of the hearing by Judge Concepcin Carhuanho to assess the obligation presented by the prosecutor, Jos Domingo Prez, against the president of Fuerza Popular and ten other people of the party dome.

Other defendants include ex-ministers Jaime Yoshiyama and Augusto Bedoya, alleged beneficiaries of the illicit funds of Odebrecht, as well as Pier Figari and Ana Herz, Fujimori's two closest advisers, who controlled Fuerza Popular and their congressmen , as well as Vicente Silva Checa. , who advised "in the shadow".

The decision was also made before a challenge against the judge brought by the accused's lawyers was resolved.


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