An art exhibition of the King of Pop



The myth of "King of Pop" goes far beyond the dance floor. Michael Jackson has never stopped fascinating artists around the world, to the point of making his gaze, meticulously studied, one of the most recognizable images of pop culture.

The immortal genius of dance and video, pure show on stage, is also a breakthrough of the borders.

On the verge of celebrating its 60th anniversary, an exhibition of London examines for the first time the influence of its figure in contemporary art

From Thursday to October 21 , hobbyists and art lovers will enjoy the exhibition "Michael Jackson: On the Wall", which brings together the most famous artist portraits, including unpublished works.

The Great Summer Exhibition of the National Portrait Gallery in London Called Michael Jackson : on the Wall (a title that refers to his album O ff the Wall of 1979), he was still there before the death of the musician and he began to take shape little by little.

"I thought about it ten years ago, I realized that there were a lot of artists who had represented Jackson," says Nichols Cullinan director of the popular gallery, contemporary art, that's what we wanted to show. "

The gallery brings together works by 48 artists from different generations and backgrounds, which have been divided into 14 rooms, each describing a singer facet whose album thriller with 105 million copies, remains the bestseller of all time.

There are paintings, collages, photographs, sculptures, video montages and some Jackson's historical performances. This is the case of the concert that he gave in front of a hundred thousand fools in Bucharest in 1992, as part of the Dangerous World tour, two years after the fall of Communism in Romania.

An avid public of liberty and to know of other worlds

Jackson vulnerable
No less surrealist are the big and striking images of "king of the pop" David LaChapelle with religious connotations

One depicts Jackson standing as a white-winged archangel on a red demon, defeated at his feet. In another he walks with the virgin and in a third he is lifeless in the arms of Jesus Christ .

"We persecute him, every person who bought a tabloid or saw the news." We all contributed to his death by interesting us in gossip, "wrote LaChapelle, referring to accusations of pedophilia against the singer" of which Innocence has been proven in court "

.Fans also have the opportunity to see their belongings – his idol, as one of his elaborate jackets, black loafers and several objects that adorn his night table.

The exhibition will remain in London until October, then will go on tour in Paris, Bonn and Espo, Finland. 19659020] [ad_2]
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