An exception added to the DMCA will preserve the online games


The video game industry has experienced impressive growth and many players have witnessed its history or an important part of it. However, time has passed and at one point players and researchers have emphasized the need to preserve the material created over the decades. As a recent entertainment, video games have gradually adapted to the legal framework and attempts at preservation have led to victories and defeats, particularly in online experiences, but this could change thanks to a new exception. the law of the United States.

Today, a report Motherboard revealed that a new exception had been added to the Copyright Act (DMCA) after the Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) I proposed it with academics from the University of California at Berkeley as an option to preserve online games. According to the information, the exception was cleared at the US Congressional Library and US Copyright Office, allowing entities dedicated to the conservation and research of the United States this type of material to restore the servers your goals In this sense, the proposal met the need to preserve elements that existed or existed only in an online environment, thinking that at a time given, the servers would close and that all this information might be lost.

The exception added to the DMCA allows institutions dedicated to the preservation and analysis of digital material to revive servers as long as they have the original codes of the game and its server. In this regard, it should be noted that, for the moment, only entities such as those mentioned above can perform this action and that, when referring to the original code, the relationship with the owners of the original code is included, which excludes the possibility Not to imply original and legally obtained information. In this sense, one of the main objectives is to enable researchers to experience online games in their original state. However, one of the sections that still requires work is related to what happens in the event that a company goes bankrupt and the original material is lost. In this particular case, everything remains the same with respect to the violation. author's rights and acts that violate the author's right.

On the other hand, the exception added to the DMCA has also favored people who wish to maintain or repair their equipment in order to keep it running and fulfill the purpose for which it was intended. This means that those who are interested in maintaining these units in initial operation will no longer be affected if they have to break with any type of protection, previously backed up by Digital Rights Management (DRM).

Thus, today has confirmed the great step taken in the preservation of video games, especially in terms of online experiences, maintenance and repair of equipment.

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