An exreo returns to prison as a priest


This is the scene of an ordination for Apodaca Prison

CITY OF MEXICO.- "I do not know you, but I know you will not leave me here" Gabirel tells Zul Mejía one night while he was in jail at Topo Chico prison, Nuevo León, questioning his behavior.

The 36-year-old man remembers that prior to his encounter with Christ, he lived inundated with conflicts with the Monterrey gangs. The fighting took him to prison, where he found his calling. After 10 years of training, he was ordained a priest at the Apodaca Social Rehabilitation Center

"At that time, I devalued the love of my parents and my brothers." Disobedience to my parents and the constant pursuits that I had in the colony led me to be in jail at Topo Chico Prison.I remember that the place where I was was called "observation", and it is there that I had my dialogue with God.I have always said that God listened to what I was expressing to him, but he also heard the prayers of my mother and of the Church who prays at all times for the young people who are lost in their lives, "recalls the new priest

a cell I found freedom,"

Looking elsewhere

Ordination was entrusted to Monsignor Rogelio Cabrera López, Archbishop of Monterrey, who asked the new priest to "hijack the esp. to have, to love without exclusions and to celebrate the Eucharist In his homily, the prelate says that the Apodaca prison is "the Monterrey Cathedral which is transferred to this building, because where the Church is the Eucharist and where is the Eucharist, there is the priest. "

He explained that we must look away and hope, as the father expects his son every day, with the hope of living and also to hope to endure.

The Archbishop of Monterrey said that love should be unconditional, "not biased, do not condemn, do not exclude, only look at the person for the value that she has.Courage, Gabirel, God puts in your hands treasure unimaginable. "

At the ceremony, held in the prison auditorium at the request of the Archdiocese of Monterrey, two inmates read the readings of the Mass with the participation of the Auxiliary Bishops Óscar Tamez and Heriberto Cavazos, as well as a representation of the presbytery of Monterrey.

The new priest thanked the assistants, among whom were relatives, friends, congregations in which he supported and with whom he sent a group of detainees.

On the way to God. Magdalena Mejía Bernal, mother of Gabirel, commented that now that his son is in the ways of God there are less problems in their house and they improve "because that would not do us any harm" was in and we in the same thing "

At the end of the Eucharist, they distributed bibles and rosaries to the detainees. The religious articles were given by the guests of Father Gabirel

The Archbishop granted a one-year license to the present priest to fulfill his priestly mission, which will serve in the pastoral care of the penitentiary – El Universal and Excelsior

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